Mr. Francisco Azara Ballester, with D.N.I.: 29188027S, and address at Calle Lebón, 19 Bajo Dcha, 46023 Valencia, representing the entity AZIGRENE CONSULTORES S.L. with N.I.F   B972330392, in his capacity as administrator.

Declares its commitment to the establishment and development of policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without discriminating directly or indirectly on the basis of sex, as well as to the promotion and promotion of measures to achieve real equality within the of our organization, establishing equal opportunities between women and men as a strategic principle of our Corporate and Human Resources Policy, in accordance with the definition of said principle established by Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality between women and men.

In each and every one of the areas in which the activity of this company is carried out, from selection to promotion, through salary policy, training, working and employment conditions, occupational health, the organization of work time. work and conciliation, prevention and action against sexual harassment and harassment based on sex, and the non-discriminatory use of language, communication and advertising, we assume the principle of equal opportunities between women and men, attending in a manner special to indirect discrimination, understood as “the situation in which an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice puts a person of one sex at a particular disadvantage with respect to people of the other sex.”

Regarding communication, both internal and external, all decisions taken in this regard will be informed and an image of the company will be projected in accordance with this principle of equal opportunities between women and men.

The stated principles will be put into practice through the implementation of an Equality Plan that represents improvements with respect to the present situation, establishing the corresponding monitoring systems, with the aim of advancing in the achievement of real equality between women and men. in the entity and by extension, in society as a whole.

To carry out this purpose, there will be legal representation of workers or, failing that, with the workers themselves, not only in the collective bargaining process, as established by Organic Law 3/2007 for effective equality. between women and men, but in the entire process of preparation, monitoring and evaluation of the Equality Plan.

In Valencia on September 25, 2017